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The CGSC is organized by the following bodies:

Steering committee
Plenary meeting
Doctoral Assembly

Steering Committee and Spokesperson
The CGSC is led by a Steering Committee consisting of three professors, who should represent the range of all chemical disciplines, and one doctoral candidate member, who is also members of the Doctoral Assembly.  The professorial members of the Steering Committee are elected for two years, the doctoral candidate for one year. Re-election is possible. 

The Steering Committee is responsible for

•    the development of the scientific program and the qualification concept, as well as quality control
•    the changes to the statutes of the CGSC
•    collaborations with other institutions within the University of Cologne and beyond
•    gender issues
•    public relations
•    decisions on memberships.

The Steering Committee elects one of the members as spokesperson. The spokesperson heads the CGSC Steering Committee.

The coordinator is a non-voting member.

Current members of the CGSC Steering Committee
The Departmental Assembly (June 27, 2024) and the Doctoral Assembly (May 28, 2024) elected the following members of the steering committee:

Prof. Riemer (spokesperson)

Prof. Meerholz (deputy spokesperson)
Prof. Griesbeck (deputy member: Prof. Mathur)
Dr. Motori

NIclas Zips, Laura Plein, Tobias Behn

Plenary meeting
All members of the graduate school (including all professor of the Department of Chemistry, appointed supervisors, doctoral candidates) are invited to the plenary meeting by the coordinator. The plenary meeting will take place once per year together with the PhD symposium.

Doctoral Council
All doctoral candidate members of the CGSC jointly constitute the CGSC Doctoral Assembly, which meets at least annually.